Dear Fellow Investor,
We want to thank everyone who attended the Press Conference yesterday afternoon. By the judge of things it was a great success! Donna Wall and Jeff Gomberg spoke and fielded questions.
The Orange County Register printed a story on the front page of the Local section, continuing the story onto page 3.
A link to the online electronic version of the story can be found here:
We would love to hear your comments on the story!
At the conference Jeff Gomberg read a letter that was circulated for each investor to sign send to Diane Harkey calling for her resignation. The letter reads as follows:
Dear Assemblywoman Harkey;
As you know it has been nearly 5 years since investors sued you, your husband Dan Harkey, M. Gwen Melanson, National Financial Lending, LLC and Point Center Financial. Your legal maneuvers and delays are an abuse of the system and are denying the plaintiffs their day in court. In fact 5 plaintiffs have died waiting for justice to be served.
The latest delay is Point Center Financial filing for bankruptcy on the day the trial was to begin. We encourage you to do the right thing and resign your seat and withdrawal from the Board of Equalization race. All of the victims have had to, in one way or another, put their lives on hold and so should you. Once the trial is completed you can resume your political career and we can resume our lives.
Some of the investors have lost their homes and life savings while you have continued to draw substantial income from Point Center. Investors have lost 96-cents on the dollar invested yet you and your husband continue to live in a guard-gated, ocean front home, drive a Rolls Royce, own a stable of horses and otherwise live an affluent lifestyle paid for by investors.
We could list the myriad of charges against you but you know what they are. Please do the right thing for your constituents and the people of California and resign today.
You claim to be a financial expert but at the same time you claim you had no idea what was happening with a company that you deriving income from, that your husband owns and now you want a seat on the Board of Equalization that requires some financial sophistication and sense of fairness. Fraud is not financial sophistication and avoiding justice is not fairness.
<Insert your signature here>
We believe that any investor who feels the same should copy this letter or write and send a similar letter in their own words to Diane Harkey, the entities that regulate her official conduct, and the party that supports her. If anyone is interested here are the addresses.
Assemblywoman Diane Harkey
76 Ritz Cove
Dana Point, CA 92629
Assemblywoman Diane Harkey
31878 Del Obispo #118, PMB 106
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Ann Ravel
Commission Chair
Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fair Political Practices Commission
Enforcement Division
428 J Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tom Del Beccaro - Chairman
Steven Baric - Vice Chairman
California Republican Party
1903 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91506
Tom Del Beccaro - Chairman
Steven Baric - Vice Chairman
California Republican Party
1215 K. Street
Suite 1220
Sacramento, CA 95814
Thanks again for listening and your continued interest.