Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bankruptcy Court Gives Civil Case the Go!

PCF Investors
March 20, 2013
Dear Fellow Investor,

Here is a brief update on the Point Center bankruptcy and civil cases:

The federal bankruptcy court lifted the "automatic stay" this past Tuesday giving 86 plaintiffs suing Dan and Diane Harkey, Gwen Melanson, and Point Center Financial, the go-ahead to pursue their claims in the California Superior Court of Orange County.
Lawyers for both sides met with California Superior Court Judge Perk Thursday Morning to discuss the Bankruptcy Court's ruling and scheduled the restart of the trial to this coming Monday, March 25. The court will likely hear pre-trial motions Monday and Tuesday before beginning the jury selection process. Actual opening statements are not expected until late in the week or after the Easter holiday.
We'll keep you posted as information becomes available.
Bankruptcy court filings can be reviewed on the blog by clicking here.


Harkey Demonstration Cancelled

PCF Investors
March 20, 2013
Dear Fellow Investor,
The demonstration of Diane Harkey's political fundraiser at Ruby's in San Juan Capistrano this Thursday evening is  CANCELLED.
It appears that Assemblywoman Harkey is having difficulty pulling in donors for the event and the event is not sufficiently noteworthy to attract the kind of media attention that would benefit investors in the recovery of their losses.
We respect your time and effort and believe there will be better opportunities for you to have your voices heard.
We are creating a completely separate mailing list for any investor who wishes to actively participate and ensure that Diane Harkey is voted out of office. Please respond to this message if you wish to be added to that list.
Otherwise, we want to get back to focusing on following the news on the Point Center bankruptcy, the civil lawsuit, and anything else relevant to recovering our assets and seeking justice.