Over the past couple of weeks, Dan Harkey has executed a massive PR campaign to discredit Lloyd Charton and several other plaintiffs in the pending Orange County Superior Court trial. It was expressed to me, and I agree, that these attacks are due, at least in part, to the work being conducted by PCFInvestor on behalf of all investors who were conned by Dan Harkey and his merri band of thieves. I regret that Lloyd and the others are being targeted for activities that they are not a party to, and it's time to set the record straight.
I am not Lloyd Charton; but I did start the PCFInvestor email list, blog site, and online discussion forums. The list, blog, and online discussion forums are growing with the help of a few investors who have agreed to collaborate and help me build a communication network designed to link ALL 3,000 investors together in a forum that will allow free discussion without encumbrance or impediment by the likes of Dan Harkey and his crew. Frankly I am amazed that the rats at Point Center (now operating as CalComm Capital) haven't jumped ship sooner but I appreciate the few insiders there who have been forthcoming with critical and timely information that we intend to reveal to the courts, the media, and to the entire Point Center investment group. (You know who you are and we applaud your courage.)
Dan Harkey mistakenly deludes himself that Lloyd Charton is behind PCFInvestor. As if deluding himself isn't bad enough he now wants everyone to drop acid and share his delusion. Except he's wrong. PCFInvestor is not the voice of Lloyd Charton. Lloyd has his own voice and his own mailing list and is perfectly capable of voicing his own opinion. I do not answer to him in any way.
Neither is PCFInvestor Steve Cash, Kurt Sipolski, Danny Sullivan or any other boogeyman that Danny Joe Harkey wishes to conjure. As far as I am concerned PCFInvestor is your voice, the voice of ALL 3,000 investors, plaintiffs or otherwise. PCFInvestor is the voice of anyone who lost their money to this pathological narcissist and his cronies.
I have no intention of revealing who I am nor who I am collaborating with. Anonymity serves my purposes and protects the other investors that I collaborate with. More importantly, many have asked for the contact details of their fellow investors and told by Rene Esparza to go 'pound sand'. I want to change that. I want to gather all willing investors together in one place and provide a forum where they can be heard. I want all investors to be able to communicate freely with each other and be able to exchange critical information in a timely fashion.
For example, was anyone aware that the $20,000,000 REO asset: Palm Springs Country Club, was sold on March 6, for $1,000,000 plus unpaid property taxes? Today is March 25. It's been almost three weeks. Have you received a check, a closing statement, or know how much Dan Harkey has taken from you in fees? Did anyone know that the sale was pending, who the buyers were, what condition the property was in, or ask for the contact details of your fellow LLC members so you could freely discuss the disposition of the property? Were you aware that Harkey tried to divert the proceeds to CalComm Capital? I'm confident that once this information is openly circulated you will receive a communication from Point Center containing their "spin" on the deal claiming the bankruptcy and civil proceedings are to blame. But there is a lot more to tell that will soon be revealed.
Dan Harkey betrayed each and every one of you. He ravaged the accounts of the elderly, the infirm, folks on limited incomes, people who put their faith and trust in him. He broke our trust. He failed to protect us but enriched himself, mismanaged our assets, and failed to perfect the personal guarantees and insurances that might have salvaged the fiction he called loans.
If you want to get involved, join the investor
forums. Write your story and submit it to the
blog. Your stories need to be heard regardless of how old or how insignificant you think your losses were. I'm asking you to use your voices and help draw attention to this travesty called Point Center Financial and exact some justice. Help make PCFInvestor the voice of all of us.
"My name is Legion for we are many."